This blog is about small things
I hope you enjoy it and that it makes you smile
maandag 26 januari 2009
made cookies
made myself wentelteefjes in the morning
old slices of bread 8 milk 3 dl egg 1 cinnamon sugar 25 gr butter 50 gr frying pan beat up egg with sugar, cinnamon and add milk, turn bread in the mix till it' absorbed in the slices, fry one by one in the pan in butter enjoy!
Split peas, carrot, onion, leek and turnip, salt and pepper and shoulder carbonade
i saw a documentary on tv about this strange big eyed little animal in dutch it's called spookdiertje
Customised this net bag put a linen lining inside
zondag 25 januari 2009
technical still life
Travelled through winter wonderland to go to my granny's 95 th birthdayparty
This is one of my favourite snacks taste colour structure and no calories!