dinsdag 28 april 2015


And there was Scheveningen

Sunday view

The Alps

zt s

Navigli lunch

zt s

Ikea presentation included Sinnerlig

zt s/ Brera

Bijschrift toevoegen

zt s

Paetchwork/grid Piero Lissoni for Cotto, a beautiful collection of tiles.

zt s

Benches at Stone Island

vrijdag 24 april 2015

zt s

 Paola Navone

zt s

Sling chair by Gareth Neal
Small lamp stool by Sarah Kay
Malibu bench by Gareth Neal
Kolsch Tablett by Carl Clerkin

zt s

 Textiles by Lucy Simpson

zt saterday

Gabbia lamp by Rui Pereira & Ryosuke Fukusada

zt saterduh


zt saterday

 Norm.architects for ex.t

zona tortona


zt saterday

 big bubble by Alex de Witte

 Steel clerck by Heetmanpatijn
Tube chair by Heetmanpatijn

zt saterday

Good Morning

zt brera

 10 corso como
Lovely coloured books


Wall oxigen

donderdag 23 april 2015

Brera saterday

 Orto Botanico di Brera

Kerria Japonica
the weeds department

Ginko Biloba

zona Tortona and Brera saterday

 Everyday Objects

zt saterday

 Mind Craft15

on a mirrored floor
 Open 1 by Loiuse Campbell

InsideOut by Rosa Tolnov Clausen
Selfie by Eske Rex

Eiffel by Jorgensen-Depping